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How can I reload records such as MUJI Mile and MUJI Point in case of changing mobile device, uninstallation or reinstallation of MUJI passport?

Please reinstall MUJI passport after changing mobile device. Enter ID and PIN on “Account Recovery” page. If you have authorized Facebook or Instagram account, please tap the respective button and enter correspondence account information to recover the below records:

● MUJI Mile
● MUJI Point
● Coupons
● Name
● Email
● Date of Birth
● Gender
● Check-in stamp record
● "My Favourites" list

If you have authorized Facebook or Instagram account for MUJI passport, you can recover MUJI Mile and MUJI Point records by tapping respective button without entering ID and PIN.

1. Tap the thumbnail at top left corner of MUJI passport to access main menu

2. Tap “Account Recovery”

3. Tap recovery method and enter account information

ID and PIN are the only information to identify MUJI passport account. Please keep your ID and PIN safely.

Please authorize Facebook or Instagram account to facilitate MUJI passport ID and PIN recovery.