Storage Techniques

Utilise the following tips to make your storage more efficient and convenient.

01 | Classification

By classifying your possessions according to usage, shape or frequency of use, you can build your own storage system that brings convenience in everyday life.

Classify by usage or appearance

Group items of the same usage together so that you can access them easily whenever necessary. Another classification method is to group items of same colour or material together for a more organised visual effect.

Divide small items

Make use of partition cases to further divide storage space and separate small items appropriately so that you can identify where they are at ease.

Vertical storage for easy access

By storing flat or tall items vertically in a way that everything can be seen at one glance, you can know the quantity on hands clearly and reach them easily.

02 | The appropriate height

Arrange your possessions to the appropriate height according to their frequency of use or their characteristics. The most frequently used items should be placed within your arms' length. The lower part can be used for bulky items and kid's items, whereas off-season or less bulky items can be stored in higher area.

03 | Labelling

By using masking tapes or stickers to label the storage units, you can recognise the contents of each storage unit easily.