
【Cafe&MealMUJI上野マルイ】Let's try TABLE FOR TWO program.




Hello,this is Cafe&Meal MUJI UENO MARUI. Welcome to our page!
(こんにちは、Cafe&Meal MUJI 上野マルイです。お読みいただきありがとうございます)
Today I want to tell you our action for SDGs. It's "TABLE FOR TWO" program.
Have you ever heard this program?
(本日は私たちのSDGsへの取り組みをご紹介します。TABLE FOR TWOというものです。皆さんはこの取り組みについてご存知でしょうか)
This program was created to solve two problems, "hunger" and "obesity" that is problem of all over the world.
We agree to this program, and we start action at Cafe&Meal MUJI.
(このTABLE FOR TWO は、飢餓と肥満という世界が抱える2つの問題を解消するために考えられた「TABLE FOR TWO プログラム」に賛同し、お店での取り組みを開始しました)

It changes to one school lunch in developing country through TABLE FOR TWO program if you pay 20 yen add to your payment.
(商品にプラス20円を追加してお支払いいただく事で、その20円がTABLE FOR TWOを通じて開発途上国の学校給食一食分に生まれ変わります)
If you want to join this program, Please show us sign card to tell us you want to do it. It's at register. If you couldn't find it, please tell us about it.
And please pay extra 20 yen, then you can  join TABLE FOR TWO.
This program makes both you and children happy through your meal at Cafe&meal muji.
Please feel free to .join this program!
(Cafe&Meal MUJIでのお食事で、自分も同じ地球にいるどこかの子供も笑顔になれるプログラム。ぜひお気軽にご参加くださいませ)
Thankyou for reading our article today.
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